Mount And Blade Warband Ending

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Mount And Blade Warband Ending Rating: 3,9/5 5564 votes

A modification for Mount and Blade: Warband, set in the universe of George R. R Martins 'A Song of Ice and Fire'. Also known as the popular HBO TV-series 'Game of Thrones'. Hello guest register or sign in. A Clash of Kings (Game of Thrones) mod for Mount & Blade: Warband. Mount & Blade series. Paradox produced a standalone expansion for the game, titled Mount & Blade: Warband, which includes multiplayer support with up to 250 players as well as improved diplomacy, graphics and artificial intelligence. Warband also has an updated map and a sixth faction. Welcome to A World of Ice and Fire. A modification for Mount&Blade;: Warband based off of GRRM's A Song of Ice and Fire and the HBO TV show Game of Thrones. This mod has used Brytenwalda's source as a base to re-build upon. Be prepared to create your.

  1. Mount And Blade War Band Wiki
  2. Mount And Blade Warband Ending 1
Strategy Guide/Walkthrough/FAQ
Cheat Codes

Open the launcher, select 'Configure', and click the 'Game' tab. Check the 'Enable Cheats' box, and click the 'OK' button. Then, enter one of the following codes at the indicated screen to activate the corresponding cheat function:

Result Screen Cheat Code
+1,000 Dinar one time Inventory[Ctrl] + X
+1,000 experience points (one time) Character[Ctrl] + X
Faster leveling[Ctrl] + L
Increase all weapon proficiencies Character[Ctrl] + W
Upgrade selected unit (one time) Party[Ctrl] + X
See everything except hideouts Map[Ctrl] + T
Teleport party Map[Ctrl] + Left Mouse Button
Upgrade all available units to that path Battle[Ctrl ] + Left Click
Restore health Battle[Ctrl] + H
Heal your horse Battle[Ctrl] + [Shift] + H
Damage yourself Battle[Ctrl] + [F3]
Knock single enemy unit unconscious Battle Hold [Ctrl] + [Shift] and press [F4]
All enemy troops unconscious Battle[Ctrl] + [Alt] + [F4]
All enemies zoomed into unconscious Battle[Ctrl] + [Shift] + [F4]
AI takes over your character Battle[Ctrl] + [F5]
Toggle slow motion[Ctrl] + [F9]
Alternate abilities

Note: This procedure involves editing game files; create a backup copy of the files before proceeding. First, create a new character in the game. Then, go to the character page (attributes, etc.), and choose 'Statistics' (under the character portrait). Next, click 'Export'. Once your character has been successfully exported, exit the game, and enter the game folder. Open the 'charexport' folder, which should be the top folder, and double click the file with your character's name. After saving a copy of the file, change the values to whatever desired. Start the game again, and reload your saved game. Go back to the statistics through the character page. Choose the file that you edited, and load it. Your character will now have those abilities.

Steam achievements

Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding achievement. To view your achievements and stats in Steam, select 'Community', 'My profile', 'View all my games', then the game and view stats.

    Abundant Feast: Eat 6 different types food concurrently.
    Agile Warrior: Get either two agility related skills to 5 or one to 7.
    Art of War: Have two of the following skills at a 5; Trainer, Tactics, Leadership, or Persuasion.
    Autonomous Collective: Be chosen as marshall.
    Baron got back: Win a battle against a lord or party who previously beat or captured you.
    Best served cold: Defeat 10 enemy parties in the snowy regions of Calradia.
    Book Worm: Finish reading one book through the camping screen.
    Bring out your Dead: Get one of your healing skills to 5.
    Calradian Army Knife: Kill 10 enemies with a throwing weapon's secondary function.
    Calradian Tea Party: Make your own faction.
    Choppy Chop Chop: (MP) Slay 50 foes with slashing weapons.
    Community Service: Install and play one mod.
    Concilio Calradi: As a ruler have 3 vassals.
    Dexterous Dastard: Make one of your ranged weapon skills 250.
    Elite Warrior: (MP) Win a round of deathmatch mode.
    Every breath you take: (MP) In any multiplayer mode have more kills than deaths.
    Force of Nature: You and your army have killed or wounded 5,000 enemy troops.
    Gambit: Land a shot with a difficulty of 5 while using a throwing weapon.
    Get up Stand up: Cleanse the town of bandits in the opening mission.
    Glorious Mother Faction: (MP) Win a round of team deathmatch mode.
    Gold Farmer: Amass a fortune of 100,000 denars.
    Good Samaritan: Help a lord or party win a fight.
    Got Milk?: Steal 3 cattle from a single village.
    Happily ever after: Get married.
    Harassing Horseman: (MP) Kill 100 people with mounted projectiles.
    Heart Breaker: Get a character to elope.
    Help Help I'm being Repressed: Harass wondering peasants on the map.
    Holy Diver: Kill or wound at least 500 enemies.
    I dub thee: Promote one of your followers into a position of power.
    Iron Bear: You have completed the following achievements: Mace in yer Face!, Spoil the Charge, Agile Warrior, and This is our land.
    Kassai Master: You have completed the following achievements: Trick Shot, Khaaan!, Agile Warrior, and Harassing Horseman.
    Khaaan!: Kill 75 enemies with horse archery.
    King Arthur: You have completed the following achievements: Melee Master, Knights of the Round, Every breath you take, I dub thee/Good Samaritan.
    Kingmaker: Put a pretender on their rightful throne.
    Knights of the Round: Recruit 6 hero characters.
    Last man standing: (MP) Win one round in battle mode.
    Legendary Rastam: You have completed the following achievements: Abudant Feast, Mace in yer Face!, Sarranidian Nights, and Art of War/Melee Master.
    Look at the Bones!: Face off against 100 enemies using custom battle mode.
    Mace in yer Face!: (MP) Kill 25 foes with a blunt weapon.
    Man Eater: Kill 50 men as a female character.
    Manifest Destiny: Assist your faction in conquering Calradia.
    Medieval Emlak: Become the owner of at least 5 fiefs.
    Medieval Times: Enter and win a tournament.
    Melee Master: Make one of your melee weapon skills 250.
    Might makes Right: Get either two strength related skills to 5 or one to 7.
    Migrating Coconuts: Visit every major town in Calradia.
    Mind on the Money: Have two of the following skills at a 5; Looting, Inventory Management, Trade, or Prisoner Management.
    Morale Leader: Raise your soldiers' morale from low to excellent.
    Mountain Blade: Kill 10 parties of mountain bandits.
    None Shall Pass: Successfully defend a castle.
    Old dirty scoundrel: Have a -50 relation with a lord, village, or faction.
    Old school Sniper: Land a shot with a difficulty of 6 while using a crossbow.
    Pugnascious D: Pick a fight with a lord by insulting him or by challenging him to a duel.
    Romantic Warrior: Learn 3 poems from tavern bards.
    Royality Payment: Be granted your first fief.
    Ruin the Raid: (MP) Win in Conquest mode.
    Sarranidian Nights: Camp in the Sarranid region of the map.
    Sassy!: As a female character get into a duel with male lord by insulting him.
    Shish Kebab: (MP) Perform 25 lance kills while mounted.
    Sold into Slavery: Sell 5 people to the ransom broker.
    Son of Odin: You have completed the following achievements: Might makes Right, The Huscarl, Melee Master/Dexterous Dastard, and Holy Diver/Elite Warrior.
    Spoil the charge: (MP) Kill 50 cavalry while on foot, the enemy must be killed while mounted.
    Svarog the Mighty: You have completed the following achievements: Might Makes Right, Choppy Chop Chop, Glorious Mother Faction, and Old school Sniper.
    Talking helps: Engage in a conversation with a hero character through the party screen.
    The Bandit: Raid 3 caravans and raid 3 villages.
    The Golden Throne: Rule all of Calradia!
    The Holy Hand Grenade: Kill 75 enemies with throwing weapons.
    The Huscarl: (MP) Kill 50 foes with throwing axes.
    The Ranger: Have a 7 in one of the following skills or a 5 in two; Tracking, Path-finding, or Spotting.
    This is our land: (MP) Your team successfully defended a castle in siege battle mode.
    Throwing Star: (MP) Kill 25 people with throwing weapons.
    Trick Shot: Land a shot with a difficulty of 10 while using a bow and arrow.
    Trojan Bunny Maker: Get the engineering skill up to 5.
    Victum Sequens: As a ruler conquer 10 towns or castles.

In Mount & Blade: Warband, I swore allegiance to the Kingdom of Swardia. As such, I'm currently a Vassal under King Harlaus.


The king, being the generous sort, awarded me a small fiefdom consisting of one village. However, I feel I need a castle in which to store prisoners and plan my next course of action. Particularly one close to said village.

How can I acquire a castle?

19.2k39 gold badges131 silver badges206 bronze badges
Mount and blade warband end campaign

4 Answers

The best way of getting a castle or town is to capture one yourself. Keep an eye out along the borders where towns and castles frequently change hands. Those places usually have a rather weak garrison so you should be able to take it without too much trouble.

When you capture a town or castle, you can make the request to your king that you want to keep it. Unless you've just recently been rewarded a fief, the King will almost always grant you the town/castle you've just captured. Don't count on the king giving you one otherwise unless your reputation with him and the other lords are all super high and you manage to convince them to support your cause.

If the castle near your village is already owned by a lord (almost 100% of the time it is), then you are out of luck, you can't get that one unless an enemy faction captures it and you retake it.

l Il I
69.4k82 gold badges345 silver badges513 bronze badges

To quote the wiki:

Castles are found all over Calradia, and each one has a nearby village. In order to take control of a castle, you must besiege it..

With an enemy have the option to besiege it and claim it for your own..

There are other ways for a faction to capture a castle in Warband other than just besieging it. They can also wait for the food supply of the castle/town to run out, and then take control, or if a lord holding a castle/town defects without being indicted, it will go to the new faction defected to..

Should the player conquer a castle without being sworn to a liege, he takes the castle for himself, and founds a new kingdom..

If the player conquers a castle when they already have their own new kingdom, they are given a list of Vassals that are with the player's kingdom to take control of the castle, the option for the player to take control of it is available, and the option for the castle to have no Lord is available as well.

Mount And Blade War Band Wiki

So, you can either revolt against your current kingdom to found your own and conquer a castle for yourself through one of the methods mentioned (or conquer and then possibly decide to revolt if the king doesn't give it to you) or become buds with your king and convince them to appoint you as lord of a castle.

If you conquer a castle yourself, like when conquering a village or fief, you can ask your king to give it to you and if they don't you can either renounce your oath and fiefs, renounce your oath alone and take your fiefs and the one you just captured thus causing you to rebel, or you can take a payout. The kings apparently make the decision randomly, but key factors seem to be renown and relationship with the king although there is some mention that each fief, city and castle holds some value and that kings try to balance this value out across all vassals. Apparently you can possibly convince other lords to support your claim to the castle with some persuasion.

14.8k15 gold badges61 silver badges98 bronze badges

The more the king likes you the more chances you have of him giving you the castle you conquererd. In my time i had 3 little fiefs, no castle and no large city. When i finally captured my first castle the king said he would prefer it to give it to his friend instead of me. But because i was a nobleman i let it slide, now the fun part was that about a few moves after the castle was again under enemy control. So then it was the second time i conquered the castle alone (This time was easyer because there were only recruits present in the castle, and i gave them free passage if they left) . Now i asked it again, and because he already gave it as a present to another 'friend', he was able to give it to me.

I would suggest trying to capture one alone and you should have a higher percentage to get it. (I have no source for this, but I did capture a great city alone and the king gave it to me directly)

4,6413 gold badges31 silver badges58 bronze badges

Capture a castle with 100 or so people on your own - not as a vassal or merc. Gz-1002b-e3 remote control manual.

42.2k45 gold badges207 silver badges419 bronze badges

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